Differences in sexual anatomy and response of males and females
Sex is a sacred experience. It is one of those topics that is talked about poorly or nobody talks about it at all. Women generally take a long time to get aroused than men. Because males have a propensity to be focused on one thing at a time, they get aroused and reach a climax quickly. Women tend to worry about their surroundings and other things at the same time when having sexual intimacy. That’s why they might take a longer time to focus and be fixated on that. These differences can cause problems in relationships. When women are feeling safe, warm, and close it is very easy for them to be sexually connected. For men it is the other way round the reason they want to have sex is so they can feel safe, warm, and close to their spouses. Especially with reaching a climax, there are big bursts of dopamine, adrenalin, serotonin, and oxytocin (feeling of bonding or attachment). Women have that oxytocin and men do not. Because of that women might feel more attached and men might walk away....