Marriage and Family Trends
Why did people before give birth to a lot of children than we do now? In some cultures, if the parents did not have a male child they would continue to keep trying, that way the male child can carry the family name forward. In other cultures, like my own a man could marry many wives hence could have many children from those wives. Other cultures believed that children were guests from heaven, so they wanted to always have guests.
There could be numerous reasons as well why there are lower birth rates now, it could be that people now use birth control methods that were never known or used before, it could be that not a lot of people get married anymore. In some countries, government policies discourage people from making lifelong commitments making it hard to get married when you are young. Some people fear the commitment that comes with getting married and starting a family, some people are afraid of getting divorced. Marriages are being delayed to later years hence those delayed marriages are more likely to have fewer children. Some people are concerned about why would they bring up children in this crucial world full of mischief and filth. Some people feel that children are a liability they take up your time, energy, and money.
Our values concerning marriage and family have shifted. For example, our lives are becoming more career-based, we feel it is fulfilling that way. The world’s definition of success has changed. We equate progress to having a degree or something somebody gives us(money). So, we spend most of our lives gathering those degrees, making money forgetting the responsibility of a family, the basic fundamental unit of society.
There is a saying that says, “Show me your friend and I will tell you your character.” I have always wondered why that is so. I have come to understand that human beings are largely influenced by the people around them, the environment that they live in too. Family turns out to be the greatest influence on our lives whether positively or negatively. Disappointing family experiences can greatly influence what we may end up doing. For example, someone who watched their parents get a divorce and all their sibling marriages fall apart can develop the fear of getting married because they are afraid the same might happen. When we view the world and see broken families with single mothers or fathers who struggle to make ends meet because they are fulfilling the responsibility of two, we feel for them and never want that to happen to us or anyone close to us. On the other hand, when we see a loving father and mother nurturing wonderful children in society, we envy them, and deep down in our minds and hearts, we wish to have the same for our future family. We view them as role models in our society. What I am trying to convey is that the experiences we go through, and the experience of others can largely impact our lives whether for good or for bad. It is clearly up to us to plan to go either way.
My intention with this post is to help each of us think deeply about what influences us when it comes to marriage and family. Let us evaluate our lives and let above all else God be the One who is the driver of our marriages and family. We will be safe in His arms. I firmly believe that the way to solve world poverty, improve our health and education starts within a wonderful marriage and family. Marriage is central in a family and a family is central to God’s plan for our lives.
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